PAL After School Program
Program schedules will differ from day to day depending on activities planned for the day or other special events. During the school year homework assistance and educational enrichment activities are scheduled daily along with evidence based program models. The Barstow Police Department PAL Program will also use proven and nationally recognized programs in five core program areas – Character and Leadership Development, Education and Career Development, Health and Life Skills, The Arts and Sports, Fitness and Recreation along with Specialized Initiatives.
Admission & Registration
The PAL After School Program will serve children from the Barstow area who are in grades 1st – 8th. Parents can register their child(ren) by completing the appropriate PAL application and parent handbook. All paperwork is required before your child can participate in the program.

Days of Operation
All campus based programs are open Monday – Friday following B.U.S.D. elementary school calendars during the regular school year. If the school closes for inclement weather, the PAL Center will also close. However, for scheduled early dismissals the PAL Center will be opened accordingly. If schools are opened all day, but afternoon activities are cancelled due to weather or an emergency our staff will still be at our sites to accommodate students. However, it is imperative that you pick your child(ren) up as soon as possible in such cases. Please make sure your child(ren) are aware of what they need to do and 5 where they are going for early dismissals and inclement weather. The Barstow PAL Center is open Monday – Friday and will also follow B.U.S,D. elementary school calendars during the regular school year except for the following school breaks: Winter, summer, and spring.
In order to enroll your child(ren) to become a member we must have the Application and Parent Handbook Forms completed and turned by Monday, July 26th at 7:30am at the Barstow Police Department.

Code of Conduct
In order to promote the child’s physical, intellectual, emotional, and social well—being and growth, PAL members and parents are expected to follow our rules and guidelines. Refer to the Parent Handbook for complete program rules and guidelines.
- Play fairly and to be honest.
- Be respectful of PAL team members and volunteers.
- Say only good things about others.
- Be respectful of other Club members and their property.
- Take care of our PAL Center and equipment.
- Use proper language.
- Applaud efforts of other members.
- No running unless in a gymnasium or designated area.
- Listen and be respectful at all times.
- Wear appropriate dress at all times.
- Maintain a strict no drugs, alcohol and weapons stance.
The PAL Center strives to provide a safe and positive environment for all members. The safety of our members is our primary concern and therefore we have no tolerance for fighting or bullying. If a child acts out in an aggressive manner with the intent of harming another child he/she will be suspended. We understand each altercation is different and some incidents are more severe than others; therefore, our discipline may vary depending on each individual incident.
The Police Activities League reserves the right to search all persons and carry—in items such as backpacks and gym bags. Any person who refuses to submit to such a search will not be allowed admission into the Clubs.
The PAL Organization handles behavioral problems on an individual basis. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to let us know if members have developmental delays so that we have information to better understand the child’s behavior. If the behavior is ongoing or extreme, the member will be sent to the Program Director for further guidance. Depending on the circumstance the Program Director has the option of sending the member home and/or suspending the Club member from the program and disregarding the following procedures. Under extreme circumstances (i.e. intentional injury to another child or staff), the Program Director has the discretion to remove a child immediately without advance notice. Please refer to the Zero Tolerance Policy.

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